Learn How To Bake The Best Bread In Inland Malaga With Marije

How to bake bread in Inland Malaga

After working in the television industry specialising in food and wine programmes, a documentary series she was producing about the ins and outs of bread making sparked Marije’s interest in bread. The series travelled around Europe with master baker and patisserier, Robèrt van Beckhoven, talking to his food heroes. While filming, the crew received a masterclass from van Beckhoven and Marije was taken aback at how the expert made bread making look so simple. It was this class combined with a existing interest in nutrition and cooking that spurred Marije to investigate further. After the series had wrapped, Marije’s new found passion lead her to take a year off work to stufy as an apprentice in different bakeries to hone her skills.

When Marije and her husband moved to Spain a couple of years ago, they purchased a property with a view to sharing her passion for bread and making it full time enterprise, carrying out workshops from their in-house bakery. Fancy going on a homemade bread journey? There are four workshops available: An artisan bread course, a sourdough course, a pizza course and the newest edition, a gluten-free bread course.

Marije recommends that if you’re interested into getting into sourdough, the best thing to do would be to do the basic bread workshop first to get an idea of how the dough feels and how to work with yeast. After learning tips and tricks about the basics of baking bread, delving into sourdough comes more naturally. Find some more information about the workshops here.

Of course, the workshops had to cease in March of 2020, but that didn’t stop Marije from teaching. Since then she has been creating a online courses complete with videos and written tutorials. Marije told me “there is so much information on Youtube that it can be hard to know where to start, I wanted to create one place that had all the information you would need”. Anyone that takes the course also has access to one on one troubleshooting with Marije herself. The courses are currently all in Dutch so if you are English speaking and living in Inland Malaga, she is looking forward to the in-person workshops to be back up and running to experience the thrill of making your luscious loaves in your own kitchen.

You can find more information about Marije’s online bread course here.

Marije is eager to start the workshops again as soon as it is safe to do so. Please feel free to contact Marije for more information, tel.+34 635 57 87 76.

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