I hear a lot from internationals in the area that Málaga just isn’t very Christmassy and I do understand where they are coming from. Spain doesn’t tend to Christmas hard like we do in other European countries. However, there are things in Málaga that will for sure bring some yuletide joy and hopefully warm even the scroogiest of hearts.
Here are our top things to get you into the Christmas spirit in Málaga:
Agrupaciones musicales
Don’t be surprised when you hear the sound of carolling in the bigger towns. During the month of December it is traditonal in Spain for groups of carollers, not to go door to door, but to sing in the local church or town squares.
Spanish sweet treats
You know the holiday season is here when in the local supermarkets you start to spy all the local sweets like turrones, polvorones and mantecados (all are amazing by the way with a steaming cup of coffee). Almonds and peanuts dominate the flavour profile of these treats that come in a variety of different styles and textures.
Málaga Christmas Lights
There a few things more Christmassy then going to see the Málaga Christmas lights get turned on. This year the official inaguration is on the 30th of November and sources say it’s going to be the biggest display yet with not only the show in Calle Larios but also in other areas of the city such as Calle Marqués, Sagasta, Souvirón, Plaza de Camas, Calle Herrera del Rey, Puerta del Mar, Calle Moreno Carbonero, Calle Álamos and Calle Granada.
The light shows accompanied by christmas tunes take place everyday at 18:30 and 21:30 horas until the 6th of January.
La Loteria de Navidad
Take part in one of the longest running loteries in he world. The 22nd of December is sacred in Spain. Millions of people every year tune in to watch the winners unfold on national TV, everyone hoping for a chance to win ‘El Gordo’ (The Big One).
Also, the yearly lottery advert is pretty much the Spanish equivalent of the John Lewis Christmas adverts. Here is this year’s:
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