If you hadn’t noticed, we love Inland Málaga in the Autumn.
Yes, we have had some pretty unfortunate weather over the past couple of weeks but we won’t let that dampen (pun intended) our autumn spirits.
The heat wave of summer gives way to cool, breezy relief as pitchers of sangria are replaced by glasses of red wine, and pool parties are replaced by relaxing evenings watching the glorious autumnal sunsets.

The hazy vistas are transformed into crisp landscapes before our eyes. The scorched golden hills of summer transform into a luscious green as we see the first sight of rain in nearly four months.
Autumn is the time when crops of almonds and olives are harvested. New batches of cloudy extra-virgin olive oil appear in local shops and petrol stations and the sound of almond-shelling machines fill the small village streets.

The first waft of roasted chestnuts being sold in paper cones on the streets will probably be the highlight of your day and you don’t mind risking burnt fingers from peeling off the darkened shell before enjoying the nostalgic seasonal goodness.

The temperature is that perfect mix of warm in the sunshine and cool in the shade, making it the perfect weather for strolls along the coast and hikes in the mountain. Pat the dust off your optimistic winter coat that you’ve just fished out from the back of the wardrobe, you may need it!
What are you most excited for this autumn?
Grapevine Properties