Call this our love letter to estate agents, a profession with an overall poor reputation. I know we often don’t help ourselves. Men in suits firing out buzzwords are not exactly helping the stereotype.
Now, I can’t speak for the profession in other areas, that would be unfair. I can however attest to the hardworking agents in Inland Malaga who go above and beyond for their clients 365 days a year. These small, often family businesses, are some of the most dedicated people I know. We work separately, but also together, through a multi-listing database, sharing all properties and ensuring the largest property pool possible for our clients.
An agent in Inland Malaga isn’t just there to help you to buy or sell a property; we’re tour guides, photographers, advisors, local experts, taxi drivers, key holders, even shoulders to cry on.
We’ve lived here for years, we know the country roads, the best places for a strong coffee, the local traditions, the language…
Clients turn into lifelong friends as car journeys turn into deep conversations and coffees turn into cañas.
We’ve seen many a sunrise and sunset from the driving seat of our cars. Our cars have been well trained on small village streets and bumpy roads. Our bumpers may be dusty but our ethics are clean.
Buying a property is an emotional experience. It’s exciting, confusing, frustrating, often overwhelming, educational… It takes patience and gumption. An agent is there to listen and guide you through the process, to hold your hand if you need someone there.
We deal in lives and homes. We help people find a home, get home, get away from home, come home, sell a home…
We try to be professional, but we are human. We say the wrong things, make mistakes, take the wrong turn.. but we will always try to make it right.
I challenge you to find a group of people more passionate about the lifestyle they’re selling. These people are the living proof, success stories.
We’re not sharks in shiny shoes, we’re grafters in muddy boots.
So, here’s me raising my virtual glass to you, agents of Inland Malaga. You’re crushing it.
Grapevine Properties