I’ve found myself many a time making up words in Spanish by saying the English word in a Spanish accent or in a slightly different way and praying that what I’ve said is an actual word and not complete gibberish. Sometimes you can get away with it, as many words in English are very similar to their Spanish equivalent like fantastic and fantástico, for example. There are words however, that by slightly tweeking them, end up changing the meaning of the sentence completely!
Here are few ‘false friends’ to look out for:
Spanish word | English translation | English word | Spanish translation |
ACTUAL | current, present-day | ACTUAL | real, efectivo |
AMERICANO | person from North or South America | AMERICAN | estadounidense |
ASISTIR | to attend, be present at OR to assist | ASSIST | ayudar |
BILLÓN | (US) trillion, (UK) billion | BILLION (US) | mil millones |
BIZARRO | dashing, brave, gallant | BIZARRE | extraño |
BOMBERO | firefighter | BOMBER | bombardero |
CARPETA | folder | CARPET | alfombra |
CASUALIDAD | coincidence, chance | CASUALTY | víctima |
CHOCAR | strike, collide | CHOKE | ahogar |
CODO | elbow | CODE | código |
COLEGIO | high school | COLLEGE | universidad |
COMPROMISO | obligation, commitment | COMPROMISE | componenda |
CONDESCENDER | to comply, agree | CONDESCEND | dignarse |
CONSTIPADO (n.) | a cold | CONSTIPATED | constipado (adj.) |
CONTESTAR | to answer | CONTEST (v.) | contender |
CORRIENTEMENTE | fluently, plainly, flatly | CURRENTLY | actualmente |
DELITO | crime | DELIGHT | delicia, deleite |
DESGRACIA | mistake, misfortune | DISGRACE | vergüenza |
DISGUSTO | annoyance, worry | DISGUST | asco, repugnancia |
DESTITUIDO | fired, deprived | DESTITUTE | indigente |
DORMITORIO | bedroom | DORMITORY | residencia universitaria |
EMBARAZADA | pregnant | EMBARRASSED | avergonzada |
EMPRESA | business enterprise, company | EMPRESS | emperatríz |
ENVIAR | send | ENVY (v.) | envidiar |
ESTRECHAR | to narrow, bring closer together | STRETCH | estirar, alargar |
ESTIMADO | esteemed | ESTIMATE | estimacíon, presupuesto |
ÉXITO | success, hit | EXIT | salida |
FÁBRICA | factory | FABRIC | tela |
GROSERÍA | grossness, crudeness | GROCERY | abarrotería, tienda de comestibles |
INTRODUCIR | insert | INTRODUCE (someone) | presentar |
LARGO | long | LARGE | grande |
LECTURA | reading | LECTURE | conferencia |
LIBRERÍA | bookstore | LIBRARY | biblioteca |
MANTEL | tablecloth | MANTEL | manto, mesilla |
MOLESTAR | bother | MOLEST | abusar (sexualmente) |
NUDO | knot | NUDE | desnudo |
PARADA | stop, e.g. bus stop | PARADE | desfile |
PARIENTE | relative | PARENT | padre |
PRETENDER | to attempt, to woo | PRETEND | fingir |
PREOCUPADO | worried | PREOCCUPIED | distraído |
REALIZAR | to come true | REALIZE | darse cuenta |
RECORDAR | to remember, remind | RECORD | grabar |
ROPA | clothes | ROPE | cuerda |
SANO | healthy | SANE | cuerdo |
SOPA | soup | SOAP | jabón |
SOPORTAR | tolerate, put up with | SUPPORT | apoyar |
SUCESO | event | SUCCESS | éxito |
TUNA | prickly pear | TUNA | atún |
ÚLTIMAMENTE | recently | ULTIMATELY | al final |
VASO | drinking glass | VASE | jarrón, florero |
Can you think of any others?
Laura Wood